A comparison image of Chitwan and Bardia National Parks in Nepal. The left side shows two rhinoceroses resting in Chitwan, while the right side shows the entrance gate to Bardia National Park with the words "Welcome" and "Bardia National Park" written in English and Nepali. The caption above the image reads "This or That."

Chitwan or Bardiya: Which National Park Offers the Best Safari Experience?

Are you looking for the best Safari Experience Chitwan or Bardiya in Nepal? Chitwan and Bardiya are the two options which provide the best experience for the unique safari in Nepal. lf you are trying to decide between them you might ask “Chitwan or Bardiya which is better for safari?” Both parks have distinct features with rich biodiversity and wildlife conservation.

Chitwan National Park which is UNESCO world heritage site is famous for the dense jungle as well for the Bengal Tiger and Chitwan National Park is also the first national park of Nepal. Bardiya on the other hand, is located in the far west of Nepal and well known for the wilderness and more remote scenery. Many differences and similarities between these two parks can be seen like aspects of wildlife, accessibility and overall experience. So, our main goal is to help you to decide between Chitwan or Bardiya and determine which one is best for you according to your preferences .

Overview on Chitwan vs Bardiya

FeatureChitwan National ParkBardiya National Park
Location Subtropical Inner Terai, south-central NepalWestern Terai, far west Nepal
Size952.63 km968 km2
Historical BackgroundEstablished in 1973, first national park; UNESCO World Heritage Site(1984)Established in 1988, originally a royal hunting reserve
Wildlife and Biodiversity525 bird species, 50 mammal species, including  Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos and wild elephants426 bir species, 53 mammal species, including Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos, and wild elephants
Safari ActivitiesJeep safaris, canoe rides, elephant-back safaris and walking safarisJeep safaris, canoe rides, walking safaris, bird-watching tours
AccessibilityShorter travel time from Kathmandu and Pokhara; flight to Bharatpur or driveLonger Drive from Kathmandu or flight to Nepaljung followed by road
Scenery and LandscapeGrasslands, riverine forests, marshes; ideal for broad wildlife viewingDense forests, river valleys, open grasslands; more secluded and serene
AccommodationWide range from luxury lodges to budget stays; well-established optionsLuxury lodges and budget options; fewer choices, more secluded
Cost and ValueGenerally more expensive; broad range of activities and accommodationsMore budget-friendly; good value, particularly for quieter experience
Chitwan or Bardiya

General Information

Overview of Chitwan National Park

Chitwan or Bardiya: The image depicts a Bengal tiger lying on a patch of green grass. The tiger is in a relaxed pose, with its head turned to the side and its eyes closed. It is licking its paw with its tongue, seemingly cleaning itself. The tiger's fur is a vibrant orange with distinctive black stripes. Its paws are large and muscular, with sharp claws. The tiger is sitting on the green grass.

Location and Size

Chitwan National Park is situated  in the subtropical Inner Terai lowlands of south-central Nepal in Nawalpur, Chitwan, Makwanpur and Parsa. It covers an area of 952.63 km2 (367.81 sq mi).

Historical Background and Significance

As mentioned before Chitwan National park was Nepal’s first National Park established in 1973. It was established to protect the endangered one-horned rhinoceros and Bengal Tiger. It was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984, highlighting its importance as a crucial conservation area and a representative example of the Terai-Duar savanna and grassland ecosystem.

Unique Features
Chitwan is known for its rich biodiversity, including over 525 species of birds, 50 species of mammals, and a variety of reptiles and amphibians.The endangered fauna found in the park are: One horned rhinoceros, Gaur. Royal Bengal tiger. Wild elephant, Fourhorned antelope, Pangolin, Golden monitor lizard, python, etc. Its accessibility from major cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara makes it a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts and tourists.

Overview of Bardiya National Park

Location and Size

Bardiya National park is situated in Nepal’s Western Terai. It is the largest national park in the lowland Terai covering an area of 968 sq mi) Being the largest national park in the lowland, it is also slightly larger than Chitwan National Park.

Historical Background and Significance

In 1815, Nepal lost this region to the East India Company through the Sugauli Treaty. For 45 years it was a part of British India and returned to Nepal in 1860 in recognition for supporting the suppression of the Indian Independence movement in 1857. Today, this annexed area is still called Naya Muluk meaning new country. An area of 368 km2 (142 sq mi) was set aside as the Royal Hunting Reserve in 1969 and gazetted as the Royal Karnali Wildlife Reserve in 1976. In 1982, it was proclaimed as the Royal Bardiya Wildlife Reserve and extended to include the Babai River Valley in 1984. Finally in 1988, the protected area was gazetted as a national park.

The approximately 1500 people who used to live in this valley have been resettled elsewhere. Since farming has ceased in the Babai Valley, the naturally regenerated vegetation makes the area a prime habitat for wildlife.

Unique Features
Bardiya is known for its vast natural areas and quiet, less touristy vibe. It’s a great place to spot wildlife like Bengal tigers, one-horned rhinos, and wild elephants. With its mix of grasslands, forests, and rivers, the park is home to a lot of different plants and animals. It’s out-of-the-way location makes it perfect for those looking for a peaceful and adventurous experience away from the usual crowds.

Wildlife Experiences

Wildlife in Chitwan National Park

Notable Species

Chitwan National Park provides the home for the 68 mammal species where the king of the jungle is Bengal Tigers. The alluvial floodplain habitat of the Terai is one of the best tiger habitats anywhere in the world. 

Chitwan National Park is also a widely known conservation area with at least 128 Bengal Tigers. However, the chances of spotting them are very rare compare to Bardiya National Park.

Chitwan National Park is also famous for the one-horned rhinoceros because in Chitwan National Park there are 694 one horned rhinos. With this Chitwan National Park holds the second largest one-horned rhino population in the world.

Elephants which you can see often roaming in the Chitwan National Park. It is estimated that there are only 255 to 265 wild elephants and 150 domestic Asian elephants.

Chitwan National Park is the home for the 525 species of birds that include summer migrant birds like paradise flycatcher, Indian pitta and parakeets etc. during summer, while winter birds include waterfowl, Brahminy ducks, pintails, bar-headed geese, cormorants and migratory birds from Siberia.

Wildlife in Bardiya National Park

The image portrays a majestic King Vulture, a large bird of prey known for its distinctive appearance. Its head is black with a bright red wattle and a prominent, wrinkled neck. Its eyes are piercing and alert, with a ring of red around the iris. The bird's body is primarily white with black wings and a black patch on its chest. The background is dark, creating a dramatic contrast that highlights the vulture's striking features.

Notable Species

The first notable species is mammals, which is the home of at least 53 mammals, including Indian rhinoceros, Indian elephants, Bengal tigers, barasinghas, and Gangetic dolphins. And in the summer, a rusty-spotted cat was sighted for the time in summer. A fishing cat was recorded in the Babai River valley in winter.

The second species is the Bengal tiger, for which the Bardiya is popular because of the population of tigers. So in Bardiya, you can easily spot the tiger if the crowd is less.

Third, we have the one-horned rhinoceros. In Bardiya National Park, you can find the 38 one-horned rhinoceros. Bardiya National Park is working hard to protect these endangered species.

Fourth, elephants. In Bardiya National Park, there are about 120 wild elephants and 60 elephants. These elephants are frequently seen in Bardiya National Park.

Lastly, 426 bird species are seen in Bardiya, among them Bengal florican, white-rumped vulture, peafowl and bar-headed geese, which are the symbolic of the park. Lesser florican and sarus crane are present, grey-crowned prinia, jungle prinia, pale-footed bush warbler, aberrant bush warbler, striated grassbird, golden-headed cisticola and chestnut-capped babbler occur in the park’s grasslands.


Frequency of Sightings

If you are again in confusion, Chitwan or Bardi then, according to the frequency of sightings of tigers and elephants, Bardiya National Park offers more than Chitwan National Park due to less trafficked. 

Unique Wildlife Experiences

But for the unique wildlife experiences Chitwan National Park is best for you. Because Chitwan provides easier access and the best safari experience with the diverse wildlife.  Bardiya offers a more remote and less commercialized experience with frequent opportunities to see large mammals in a quieter setting.

Effectiveness of Conservation Programs

 If you are thinking about the conservative programs then Chitwan has a longer history of success than Bardiya, particularly with the one-horned rhinoceros. Also, the Bardiya’s new programs are also effective and show promising results in tiger and elephant conservation.

In summary, if you’re deciding between Chitwan or Bardiya, consider Chitwan for its accessibility and established wildlife experience, and Bardiya for a more remote adventure with potentially better wildlife sightings. Both parks have strong conservation efforts, but Chitwan’s long-standing success contrasts with Bardiya’s newer, rapidly improving programs.

Safari Activities

The image shows a yellow jeep with people taking photos of elephants walking in a national park. The park has green grass and trees.

Safari Activities in Chitwan National Park

Here are the safari activities you can enjoy in Chitwan National Park:

Jeep Safaris

In Chitwan National Park, jeep safaris are a popular and comfortable way to explore the park’s diverse landscapes and spot big game like tigers and rhinoceroses. The jeep’s elevated seating offers a great vantage point to cover large areas and view wildlife without feeling cramped, making it ideal for families and groups.

Canoe Rides

Canoe rides in Chitwan National Park offer a tranquil way to explore the park’s rivers. From the comfort of a canoe, you can quietly glide through the waterways, providing an excellent vantage point for spotting wildlife like crocodiles and a variety of birds. This peaceful activity allows for close-up views of animals near the riverbanks and a serene experience of the park’s natural beauty.

Elephant-Back Safaris
Elephant-back safaris involve riding on the back of an elephant, allowing you to gain a higher vantage point and come closer to wildlife. This traditional safari method offers a unique perspective of the park’s landscape and wildlife, making it easier to spot animals such as rhinoceroses and tigers. However, due to increasing concerns about animal welfare and ethical treatment, this activity has become less common and is less favored by conservationists.

Walking Safaris
Walking safaris are guided treks through the jungle that immerse you in the park’s natural environment. This adventurous activity provides an intimate experience with the park’s ecosystems, allowing you to closely observe flora and fauna while tracking wildlife on foot. It’s a hands-on way to engage with the environment and offers a more personal connection to the wilderness compared to vehicle-based safaris.

Safari Activities in Bardiya National Park

Here are the safari activities you can enjoy in Bardia National Park:

Jeep Safaris
Jeep safaris in Bardiya National Park provide a comfortable way to explore vast areas and view major wildlife like tigers and elephants. This method is ideal for covering large stretches of the park, offering a broad and convenient perspective on its diverse landscapes and inhabitants.

Canoe Rides
Canoe rides in Bardiya offer a peaceful exploration of the park’s rivers, allowing you to observe wildlife such as crocodiles and various bird species up close. This tranquil activity provides a unique vantage point of the park’s waterways and the flora and fauna along the banks.

Walking Safaris
Walking safaris in Bardiya involve guided hikes through the park’s wilderness, offering an intimate and immersive experience with nature. This hands-on adventure allows you to closely observe wildlife tracks and signs, making it ideal for those looking for a deeper connection with the park’s environment.

Bird Watching Tours
Bird watching tours in Bardiya are tailored for spotting the park’s diverse bird species, making them perfect for bird enthusiasts. These specialized tours offer a quiet and focused experience, allowing participants to appreciate the rich avian diversity and learn more about the park’s birdlife.


Range of Activities

Both Chitwan and Bardiya National Parks offer jeep safaris, canoe rides, and walking safaris. Chitwan features the additional option of elephant-back safaris and occasionally night safaris, although the latter is rare. Bardiya stands out with its specialized bird-watching tours, providing a slightly broader range of activities.

Quality and Uniqueness of Safari Experiences

Chitwan National Park provides a comprehensive safari experience with a range of activities, including the iconic but increasingly rare elephant-back safaris. This variety allows visitors to explore the park’s landscapes and wildlife from multiple perspectives, though some activities are less favored due to ethical concerns.

In contrast, Bardiya National Park offers a more tranquil and less commercialized experience. It is ideal for those seeking a serene adventure with fewer crowds. Bardiya’s standout feature is its specialized bird-watching tours, which offer a unique opportunity to observe a diverse range of bird species, making it particularly appealing for avid bird watchers and those looking for a distinctive and immersive wildlife experience.

Recommendations for Different Types of Travelers

Families: Chitwan is an excellent choice for families due to its diverse array of activities, including jeep safaris, canoe rides, and the option of elephant-back safaris. Its easy accessibility and range of experiences cater to all ages and interests, ensuring a memorable visit for both adults and children.

Adventurers: Bardiya is ideal for those seeking a more rugged and less commercialized adventure. Its walking safaris and bird-watching tours offer immersive experiences that allow travelers to explore the park’s natural beauty up close and away from the crowds. This park provides a more secluded and engaging adventure for thrill-seekers.

Bird Enthusiasts: Bardiya stands out with its specialized bird-watching tours, making it a top destination for bird lovers. The park’s rich avian diversity and focused bird-watching experiences offer in-depth opportunities to observe and learn about a wide variety of bird species, catering specifically to those passionate about ornithology.

Scenery and Landscape

The image shows a calm forest with tall trees and lots of green leaves. Sunlight shines through the trees, making spots of light on the ground. There’s a fallen tree covered in moss, and the ground is covered in soft, green grass. The whole scene feels peaceful and beautiful.

Landscape of Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park features expansive grasslands, lush riverine forests, and marshes. The open grasslands are ideal for spotting large wildlife like rhinoceroses and tigers, while the riverine forests provide rich, green scenery and excellent bird-watching opportunities. Key scenic highlights include the sweeping grasslands and picturesque rivers.

Landscape of Bardiya National Park

Bardiya National Park is characterized by dense forests, tranquil river valleys, and open grasslands. The dense forests offer a secluded, immersive experience, while the river valleys add scenic charm with their lush, peaceful surroundings. Notable viewpoints include the serene river valleys and lush forested areas.


Chitwan’s landscape is defined by its open grasslands and diverse habitats, ideal for broad wildlife viewing and photography. Bardiya, with its dense forests and river valleys, provides a more tranquil and enclosed experience, focusing on lush greenery and serene river settings. Both parks offer unique scenic highlights: Chitwan with its expansive grasslands and rivers, and Bardiya with its intimate forest scenes and peaceful valleys.

Accessibility and Transportation 

Access to Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park is accessible via Bharatpur, the nearest major airport, which is about 20 kilometers from the park. Visitors can fly from Kathmandu to Bharatpur, with the flight taking approximately 25 minutes. Alternatively, travelers can drive from Kathmandu, which takes around 5-6 hours, or from Pokhara, which takes about 4-5 hours. Transportation options include private vehicles, tourist buses, and local taxis, making it relatively straightforward to reach the park. 

Access to Bardiya National Park

Bardiya National Park is best accessed through Nepalgunj, the nearest major airport, roughly 80 kilometers away. Flights from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj take about 1 hour. From Nepalgunj, it’s a 2-3 hour drive to the park. For travelers coming from Kathmandu by road, the journey takes approximately 12–14 hours, and it can be done via private car or tourist bus. The drive is longer and more challenging compared to Chitwan, which can impact convenience. 


Chitwan National Park is generally more accessible with shorter travel times and multiple transportation options, including direct flights to Bharatpur and a manageable road journey from major cities. Bardiya National Park, while accessible, requires a longer drive from Kathmandu or a connecting flight to Nepalgunj, followed by an additional road transfer. For convenience, Chitwan is preferable due to its shorter travel times and easier access, making it a better option for travelers seeking a more straightforward journey. Bardiya, though more remote, offers a more secluded experience but requires more effort to reach.

Accommodation Options 

Accommodation in Chitwan National Park 

Chitwan National Park offers a range of accommodation options, from luxury lodges to budget stays. Luxury lodges, such as Meghauli Serai and Tiger Tops, provide upscale amenities, including private balconies, gourmet dining, and guided safari experiences. Mid-range hotels like Hotel Parkside and Chitwan Jungle Lodge offer comfortable rooms and standard amenities at a more affordable price. Budget stays, including guesthouses and basic lodges, provide essential facilities for budget-conscious travelers. Most accommodations include guided safari tours, meal options, and easy access to park activities.

Accommodation in Bardiya National Park 

Bardiya National Park features a variety of accommodations, including luxury lodges, mid-range hotels, and budget options. Luxury lodges such as Tiger Tops Bardiya and Karnali Lodge offer high-end amenities like spacious rooms, private decks, and personalized safari experiences. Mid-range options, such as Royal Bardiya and Sapana Village Lodge, provide comfortable stays with essential amenities and organized tours. Budget accommodations are available, offering basic facilities for more economical travelers. Amenities typically include safari packages, meals, and transport services to and from the park. 


Chitwan National Park generally offers a broader range of accommodations and more high-end options compared to Barcelona. The luxury lodges in Chitwan are well-established and provide extensive amenities and services. Bardiya also has high-quality lodges but fewer options overall. Chitwan’s accommodations often provide better value for money with a wider range of choices and competitive pricing. Unique lodging experiences can be found in both parks, with Chitwan’s luxury lodges offering traditional charm and Bardiya providing more secluded, nature-focused stays.

Cost and Value for Money 

Cost Overview for Chitwan National Park 

For Chitwan National Park, entrance fees are approximately $15 for foreign visitors, with Nepali visitors paying around $1.15 (Rs. 150). Safari costs vary, with jeep safaris typically ranging from $40-$100 and canoe rides about $22-$40. Accommodation prices range from $40 to $150 per night, depending on the type of lodge or hotel. Additional expenses, such as guide fees and park permits, usually add another $15-$40. The cost may vary according to your trip. 

Cost Overview for Bardiya National Park 

Entrance fees for Bardiya National Park are approximately $15 for foreign visitors, with Nepali visitors paying around $1.15 (Rs. 150). Safari costs are similar to Chitwan, with Jeep safaris ranging from $45-$85 and canoe rides about $18-$30. Accommodation rates vary from $30 to $120 per night. Additional costs for guide fees and park permits generally range from $12-$25. The cost may vary according to your trip. 


Chitwan offers a broader range of accommodation and safari options, which can lead to higher overall costs. Bardiya is generally more budget-friendly, particularly regarding accommodation and park fees. Both parks provide good value, but Chitwan’s wider variety of options may better cater to different budgets. To save on costs, consider packages that include both safaris and lodging. 

Cultural Experiences

Cultural Experiences in Chitwan

Chitwan National Park provides rich cultural experiences with the local Tharu community, known for their traditional dances, crafts, and unique lifestyle. You can engage through village tours, cultural performances, and homestays, offering an immersive look into Tharu culture. 

Cultural Experiences in Barcelona 

Bardiya National Park also offers cultural interactions with the Tharu and other ethnic groups. Experiences include visits to traditional villages, local artisan workshops, and participation in festivals. This provides a broad understanding of the region’s diverse cultures. 


Both parks offer you valuable cultural experiences. Chitwan focuses on Thai culture with more structured tours, while Bardiya features a variety of local ethnicities and diverse interactions. Both parks emphasize community involvement, with Chitwan possibly offering more established cultural experiences. 

Recommendations Based on travel preferences 

For wildlife enthusiasts 

Chitwan National Park is perfect for wildlife enthusiasts with its rich array of species, including Bengal tigers and rhinoceroses. The park’s diverse habitats and extensive safari options, like jeep and canoe safaris, offer excellent opportunities for observing wildlife in its natural environment. If you are interested in wildlife sightseeing, then Chitwan will be best for experience. 

For Adventure Seekers 

Bardiya National Park caters to adventure seekers looking for a less commercialized experience. Its walking safaris, bird-watching tours, and off-the-beaten-path exploration provide a more intimate and immersive adventure in a tranquil setting. So, for adventure seekers, then Bardiy will be best for you. 

For Budget Travelers 

Bardiya offers better value for budget-conscious travelers with lower accommodation rates and park fees. The park provides a rich safari experience at a more affordable cost compared to Chitwan, making it ideal for those watching their expenses. If you want the best experience on a limited budget, then Bardiya is better than Chitwan. 

For Families 

Chitwan is more family-friendly due to its range of activities and accommodations. With options like elephant-back safaris and guided tours, as well as a variety of lodging choices, Chitwan provides engaging and accessible experiences suitable for all ages. If you want the best time with the family members in the National Park in Nepal than Chitwan National 

Conclusion: Chitwan or Bardiya

Choosing between Chitwan and Bardiya National Parks depends on what you’re looking for. Chitwan offers a diverse range of safari activities, including jeep safaris and canoe rides, making it ideal for families and those seeking a comprehensive wildlife experience. It’s more accessible but can be pricier. Bardiya, on the other hand, provides a more remote and tranquil setting with opportunities for walking safaris and bird-watching, perfect for adventure seekers and budget travelers. While Bardiya generally offers better value, Chitwan’s variety of activities and accommodations might justify the higher cost. Your choice will hinge on whether you prefer a well-established safari experience or a serene, off-the-beaten-path adventure.

I hope you are clear about the questions like “Chitwan or Bardiya which is better ?” and “Where to go for safari activities,”  and also get the knowledge on Chitwan vs Bardiya. If you are still confused on which to choose, Chitwan or Bardiya, get more ideas on the other blogs also. 

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